The responsible last mile

In the last couple of years, last-mile deliveries have soared to new heights – spurred by a change in consumer behavior. For businesses striving for excellence and customer satisfaction, CAKE offers a solution for the future with premium bikes with unmatched uptime and state-of-the-art food containers. Make your riders and customers happy with a premium solution from CAKE.

The rise of last-mile deliveries has changed the landscape for many businesses, but especially so for restaurateurs. The latter now have to take into account that many guests are served at tables far away from the restaurant itself – in the comfort of their homes.

Until now, food delivery online marketplace and restaurants have put a large focus on number of deliveries and expansion. Being eager to grow the quality of deliveries sometimes does not meet the customers expectations. With vehicles not safe and suited for the purpose and bad boxes for the food the experience is marked by a meal being lukewarm and an unhappy and stressed rider. How does this affect your brand? No matter if you are a restaurant or a marketplace – last impression lasts.

After a number of successful trial runs with the premium Swedish restaurateur group Svenska Brasserier, CAKE now permanently offers a solution that redefines modern last-mile food deliveries, making business better for everyone involved

"We are very proud to offer our customers home delivery with control over the whole process from production to delivery, to ensure a top-class delivery" -Niklas Johansson, CEO at Svenska Brasserier

“We increased our efficiency by more than 50 % with the CAKE bikes compared to 4-wheeled vehicles” -Oscar Johansson, founder, and CEO, FAVO food delivery

“We can now fully honor food, flavor, sustainability and local community, using electric, non-polluting, silent delivery mopeds in combination with temperature-controlled containers from Dometic.” - Bar Agrikultur, Michelin guide restaurant

“This is the absolute best alternative for fast, efficient, premium food delivery with satisfaction throughout the delivery chain. It’s amazing to be among the first with this solution. In 5 years this is what all deliveries will look like!” -Sally Tammisto, COO at Brillo Pizza

A holistic approach to smarter deliveries

It all starts with our core offering – environmentally sound, fully-electric two-wheelers that are designed to help drive business, streamline existing practices and create new opportunities. Forget about parking fines, traffic jams and expensive fuel policies – discover a world of efficient, two-wheeled service tools.

Working together with Dometic, we have developed a state-of-the-art, temperature controlled delivery box, featuring compartments that can be individually temperature controlled and tracked in real-time, for consistency and quality assurance. The box is powered by the bike itself, ensuring smooth, uninterrupted handling.

To enable riders to become professional waiters on wheels, participating restaurants gain a competitive edge. Maintaining full control over their respective brands, from kitchen to doorstep, customer expectations have been surpassed while the company itself remains ahead and setting an inspiring example for others to follow.

No chain is stronger than its weakest link, a dilemma most restaurateurs realize but until now may have struggled to find sustainable solutions to. Just as our electric motorbikes, The CAKE Last Mile Service Solution sprung out of a need for change. The result is business made better, for everyone involved.

Watch these videos explaining how the Dometic solution works